TEFAF Maastricht (14-23 March 2014) Presenting art from 260 of the world’s leading galleries from 20 countries.

TEFAF MAASTRICHT - DEFINING EXCELLENCE IN ART The European Fine Art Fair Maastricht (14-23 March 2014)  is universally regarded as the world’s leading art fair, setting the standard for excellence in the art market. The Fair truly is an event not to be missed by collectors and museum representatives. The European Fine Art Fair (abbreviated: TEFAF) is an annual art fair, organized by The European...

Whatsapp sold to Facebook for $16Billion, creating 2 new Billionaires Jan Koum and Brian Acton

WhatsApp Inc. was founded in 2009 by American Brian Acton and Ukrainian Jan Koum (also the CEO), both former employees of Yahoo! Whatsapp sold for  $16 billion to Facebook 19th of Feb 2014. Why did Facebook buy whatsapp? WhatsApp has more than 450 million active users, and reached that number faster than any other company in history. It was just nine months ago that WhatsApp announced 200 million...

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