Gulfstream G650´s for sale, the jet all Billionaires want.Price from USD 5x million

Gulfstream: G650 or G650ER waiting list +2 years, i can sell you a jet now.

G650 for sale

 Price from USD5xmillion

  •  2 x Gulfstream G650 Private jets for sale DELIVERED 
  • 2 x Gulfstream G650 Private jets for sale, both with delivery before the end of 2016
  • 1 x G650ER

the jet all Billionaires want.

3-4 years waiting list from factory, the most in demand and most advantaged Private Jet in the World today.


Production untill  Dec 2015.

105 x  G650s

40  x G650ERs

The G650 and G650ER are the longest-legged business jets currently on the market at 7,000 nm and 7,500 nm, respectively,  it will stay so until at least 2019.

My recommendation would be to present an LOI with an NDA.  This, coupled with a fully refundable good faith deposit after the LOI is counter signed would go a long way to show good faith and a professional process.  We can then get access to any information that you want with respect to the aircraft.

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Here are interior layout  options on the g650

Gulfstream produce 50 g650 a Year.200 people are  on the waiting list. Billionaires  like David Geffen, Russian tycoon Roman Abramovich, eBay founder Pierre Omidyar, Warren Buffett, Ralph Lauren, and Oprah Winfrey  are all on the waiting list. End users only please.

Gulfstream has sold 65 units to date since Steve Wynn took delivery of the first G650 in December 2012.

The Gulfstream G650ER can fly an additional 500 nautical miles further than the original Gulfstream G650 – a total range of 6,400 nm at Mach 0.90 and 7,500 nm at Mach 0.85.

Price for the extra range (650ER) an additional $2 million for existing order holders and customers already operating the G650..

Best Regards

Stefan Katafai
+34 637 97 37 42

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